Sunday, April 10, 2011

On the Frame

Several people recently have asked me about quilting with pantographs.  I've only done this once.  It's fun to trace the pattern with the laser light.  There's no panic because you've quilted swirls and realize that you can't get out of the place you just filled.  There's no worries about keeping the scale of the quilting design uniform.

So this will be a good quilt to improve my pantograph skills.  The top and backing were donated by local quilters.  I've washed the backing.  It's a thin madras plaid and I'd rather have it shrink before it's part of the quilt.  I'll use this Isacord as the bobbin thread.

A customer saw me with my quilted tote bag waiting to buy this thread.  She greeted me with, "So lavender is your favorite color?" Too funny!  We enjoyed a nice conversation in the store and traded phone numbers before parting.  She seems like a long time friend already.  And her favorite color is coral.
Since the top was made with strips, I chose to load the quilt top so the panto lines would go in the opposite direction.  I hope this is a good decision.  Although I didn't photograph it, I stretched out a length of top thread and pooled it across the yellow/pink/white sections of the top to see how it would look.  It won't show in the busy prints, but the more solid colors will look pretty with the pink/green thread.
This pantograph is a freebie which was downloaded, printed and then taped together.   It's more complex than the previous one I tried.

I'll be so relieved to have these photos instead of the messy room one pop up when I open a window.  Lesson learned : post only photos that I want to look at again on this blog!

Enjoy your day!

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